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Re: [HoE] Hey Allan a dice odds question for you

Grand Master Nilus of the Dark Angel Chapter wrote:

> Maybe I'm wierd but I'm curios why you need all these odds for dice rolls
> anyways.  I'm just curios on what your using them for.

There was a discussion on Pyramid (www.sjgames.com/pyramid/) about
statisticts and probabilities for certain die systems. They were
discussing whether or not the Storyteller system from White Wolf was
really "simple", and the conversation was drifting towards the dice
mechanics. In particular, they were discussing odd little quirks like
the more dice you have, the more likely you are to botch (which is
actually true if you have only 1 die in your dice pool and move up to 2

Anyway, someone asked how the Deadlands system worked, and I posted a
description. I realize most mathemeticians are sadists but I figured why
let them reinvent the wheel when someone has already done up a nice set
of tables?

I have no idea why someone would need probabilities for d12+10. I still
think the odds should be the same if you just add +10 to the d12 odds,
but like I said, I have a Liberal Arts degree. Unless you're saying
rolling a 1 on a d12 with a +2 or whatever isn't "going bust", since you
actually rolled a 3 or whatever the bonus is plus 1.