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Re: [HoE] Junker Power Armor

Judas Stone wrote:

> > An open question to the listservers:
> > What is the best way to build a suit of power armor
> > using junker magic?  I've considered simply using
> > prodigious levels of the Armor power, but this is
> > extremely unwieldy.  Putting locomotion into it would
> > allow for vehicle armor, but this is totally munchkin.
> >  Any ideas?  What else would be cool to put into power armor.
>         It's been a while since I've sat down and played with the Junkman rules,
> but some things I was considering toying with for a suit of armor were a
> communication device, inset in the forearm of the suit or something like
> that.  Build a few handheld units for the rest of the posse and you've
> got a handy way to communicate with them built right into the suit.
>         Another idea I had was maybe a type of radar device, and again without
> the book in front of me I can't remember specifics, but something with a
> 360 degree scan radius which picks up on heartbeats, motion or what have
> you, mounted in the arm.  Think of the movie Aliens and the hand held
> scanner they used to track the aliens with.

    Well as far as the other stuff the Junker in our posse hasnt built any powered
armor yet so I can't really say what is good or not. The communication device is a
good call although putting it in the helmet and making it voice activated or a
tongue or chin clicked allows hands free use.
    A full lay-out of the costs for building a motion sensor like the one you
mentioned, including slots and components,  is
    Hope this helps. :)
David Heth
"We don't have plans. We have impulses."