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Re: [HoE] HTH & AP
Well, first of all, a question: do other folks _have_ this problem? As
John Goff notes, it may just be a style thing for my type of campaign, in
which case I don't want to waste folks' times (whoops - too late - okay, I
don't want to waste any more of your time... ;) . Do other Marshals find
they need to "armor" up their main bad guys a bit more as their characters
get more experienced? And then find that Templars just ain't...well,
high-rep swordfighting Templars anymore as they adjust to compensate?
As for your suggested Gift...hmmm. It's interesting. A little more complex
than seems warranted for Templar gifts (whoops, almost typed "Templar gits"
:) ). I like the Greater Reward, though. Would have to play around with it
a bit. Thanks.
>I was thinking about this whole AP templar gift. Seeing as the first edge
>(which gave AP +1 per level . . . I think) was too much but the second
>(use a raise per level for an AP) wasn't enough, I tried to come up with
>something in between the two.
>Level 1: Use a raise on the to hit roll to ignore light armor
>Level 2: Ignore light armor damage modifiers
>Level 3: Use a raise to gain AP +1
>Level 4: Can use two raises to gain a total of AP +2
>Level 5: Use one raise to gain AP +2
>Greater Reward: not sure. Maybe something about no matter what the size
>or AP level, as long as any damage is done, even if it wouldn't normally
>cause a wound, would infact cause at least one wound
>Critique it please.
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Steve Crow
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