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[HoE] Experienced Gamers (was Hand to Hand and AP)
>At 07:52 AM 5/4/2000 PDT, you wrote:
> >Is it? I suppose. Is that clarified in the rules somewhere? Or is this
> >another case of the rules assuming I am a firearms and HTH weapon and
> >artillery expert and not having to explain that kind of thing...?
>No, but they do sometimes assume that you're a gamer and have picked up
>some of this along the way.
Sure. Except some games treat it as one-handed and some as two-handed.
Some don't differentiate between battle axes and great axes. You know what
they say about "assuming..." :)
Althogh as an interesting aside, and "assuming" the battle axe is
one-handed, can you improve it's performance if you choose to use it
two-handed? Just a thought...
This is a point I raised in one of my long-winded missives to John, but...is
it just me or does Pinnacle assume that it's going to be mostly
"experienced" gamers buying their game? It doesn't seem to be specifically
marketed that way, but there sure seem to be a lot of "if you're a gamer,
you'd know this kind of thing so we don't have to tell you" kind of
Ditto for their published adventures. For instance, if you're a starting GM
and you run Killer Clowns, I would tend to think the wide range of character
types could make things nearly impossible for a newbie GM to get through.
If someone had picked a sky pirate, or an armored medium-can cyborg, or a
Doomsayer with one particular (but out of the basic book) radMiracle *not
mentioned for spoiler reasons*, I think they'd be at a total loss in certain
Now there are ways to handle these things that an experienced GM could
easily implement (just as such a GM could probably find a way for the
Templar to defeat the major end-of-adventure menace in Killer Clowns instead
of being useless against Armor 4+).
But Pinnacle really doesn't help you out with this kind of thing, and the
sheer range of possibilities (much greater, IMO, then Vampire or D&D)
strikes me as potentially overwhelming. Are there relatively inexperienced
GMs in here, and if so, how do you find the game when it comes to
"explaining" stuff for you?
Steve Crow
"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"
Check out my website at: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/4991/
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