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[HoE] Bringing HTH to a Gunfight (was Templar Gift - Impressions?)
I came up with a way to describe it succinctly (well, succinctly for me...
;) ).
Most media and theatrical portrayals of combat usually give a HTH fighter
and a person with a gun, IN HTH COMBAT (not closing to HTH, not 50' away,
but actually _in_ HTH range) roughly even chances when they are equally
skilled and all. In fact, I'd almost say that the HTH person has a slight
Watch any Chuck Norris/Steven Segal movie (okay, well maybe you don't have
to be that masochistic ;) ) and against even skilled end-of-the-movie
nemesis-types, HTH fighting seems to give you an advantage in a HTH
Your mileage may vary. And this may not be true "realistically." Then
again, radmiracles and syker abilities aren't "realistic". Most Western
shows & movies aren't either, and I kinda thought Deadlands/HoE sorta set
out to emulate them.
Hope that helps to clarify my point of view.
Steve Crow
"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"
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