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[HoE] For Poe, one Combine Sniper, comin' up!

  I was wrong about his name,  Samson was his brother.

Soldier Sixkiller

Height:             6'2"        
Weight:             173 lbs
Sex:                Male
Birth Date:         April 30th, 1854
Age:                166 years
Nationality:            Chiricahua Apache
Home Area:          Dragoon M ountains, Southern Arizona
Skin:               Pale White
Hair:               White
Eyes:               Red 
Handedness:     Right

Cognition                       3d10
    Search                      2d10
    Trackin'                        2d10
Knowledge                       1d8
    Academia    (History)       1d8
    AK:     (The Wild SW)       2d8
    Language    (English)       2d8
    Trade       (Weaponsmith)   2d8
    Tribal Customs  (Apache)    1d8
Mien                            3d6
Smarts                          1d8
    Scroungin'                  1d8
    Survival    (Mountains)         1d8
Spirit                          2d12    
    Faith                       2d12
    Guts                        2d12
Deftness                        1d12
    Shootin'    (Rifles)                8d12
    Shootin'    (Pistols)           8d12
    Speedload   (Clip)          1d12
Nimbleness                      1d10
    Climbin'                        2d10
    Dodge                       2d10
    Fightin'    (Brawlin')          2d10
    Drivin'     (Motorcycle)    2d10
    Sneak                       3d10
    Swimmin'                    1d10
Strength                        2d8
Quickness                       4d10
    Quickdraw   (Pistol)            2d10
Vigor                           3d12 

Wind                            24
Size                              6
Pace                            12
Grit                                  3

    Thick Skinned
    Guardian Spirit (5)     (Wolf)      
    Nerves 'O Steel
    Belongin's  (10)            
    Big Britches
    Loyalty                 (Apache)
    Hankerin'               (Tobacco)
    Loyalty                 (Apache Nation)
    Intolerance             (SA former Soldiers)
    Enemies (5)             (The 6 Manitous he killed years ago)
    Oath                    ("Never Retreat")

  White                     -
  Red                       -   
  Blue                      -
  Legend                    -
    Firearm             Ammo        Shots   Speed     ROF   Range     Damage
    SA XM-60            4mm        50         2       3     50    2d12 (AP 2)
SA Officers Sidearm    .50          6         1       1     10         4d6
Colt Peacemaker Sheriff    .45          6         1       1      5         3d6
    Melee           Defensive Bonus     Speed             Damage
    Fist                        -                     1                2d8
    Bite                    -                     1                2d8
    Big Knife                   +1                    1          2d8 + 1d6
    SA XM-60    With NA M-42 scope  (8x Scope, Invisible Laser sight, 
Day/Night Scope)
            Sound Suppressor, Compensator
            (2) 50 shot clips
            Bandoleer across chest holding (116) 4mm rounds

    SA Officers     Gun of quality (+1 to Shootin' roll), Set Trigger (+1 to 
Shootin' roll), 
Sidearm Cutdown sights (+2 to Quickdraw), in Quickdraw Shoulder Holster
        (2) 6 Shot Clips

Peacemaker  Gun of quality (+1 to Shootin' roll), Set Trigger (+1 to Shootin' 
Sheriff     Cutdown Sights (+2 to Quickdraw) in Springsleeve Holster
        Ebony Handles, 
Gold inlay that says, "Six shots…" on one side, "…Six Kills" on the other.
(5) Rounds
(12) Frangible Rounds

Magazine    (10) .50 rds
Magazine    (10) .50 AP 4 rounds
Bandoleer        (100) .50 rounds
Armored Duster      (Black)
Boiled Leather Pants    (Black)
Kevlar Vest     (Black)
Infantry Helmet     (Black) With Targeting System, Heartbeat Sensor installed
Leather Boots       (Black)
Black Shirts    (2)
Black Jeans (2)
Black Leather Gloves
Black SWAT Skimask
Black Cowboy Hat 
Large Shoulderbag
Small Batteries (10)
Micro Batteries (10)
Concealable Radio
Geiger Counter
Water Tester
Water Purifier
Rope        100 feet, 50 feet
$50 worth of tobacco
Repelling Gear

  He's quiet and somewhat shy, thus his low Mien, he was an albino before he 
became a nosferatu.  The above stats do not reflect the new changes in the 
back of the Junkman Cometh book (which I do not have acces to at the moment). 
 SO he'll be stronger and (Quicker?  More Nimble?) plus he'll have the 
Nosferatu abilities and powers.
  He would never create another Nosferatu unless they were other Apache.  
He'd do that to get revenge on their enemies.  The only blood he drinks is 
from people he has already killed by shooting.

  Hope he can be of use to you...

  - The Worm Ouroboros