- To: PEGBansen@aol.com, PEGGoff@aol.com, PEGShell@aol.com, PEGShane@aol.com,PEGHopler@aol.com, SteveL1979@aol.com, PEGSparkes@aol.com,MForbeck@aol.com, Puppynus@aol.com, Alderac@aol.com
- Subject: Deadlands/7th Sea gamers with a radio show. [nr]
- From: Deadlands@aol.com
- Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 00:28:50 EST
- Full-name: Deadlands
Hey there,
Ran across this about a month ago - but there's a group of gamers with an
actual radio show. (I think it hits all of four radio stations. :-)
If it wasn't setup for internet streaming, I wouldn't hear it at all.
But - these guys seem to love DL and 7th Sea. The show is kinda cheesy - it
sounds like a group of gamers talking about the movies and games and shows
they've seen that week.
If you are interested - http://www.sixsiders.com/homebase.htm
Maybe I'm just a sucker for the fact that the group has a picture of
themselves in Deadlands costumes on their page. :-)
Allan Seyberth
PEG Email 'splainy guy.
"Tomorrow's the third, kid, and I'm turning my badge in on the fifth. After
that, you and your friends are fair game."
"If I were you, I'd start running now."
Ronan Lynch