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Re: [HoE] Doomsayer Power: Meltdown
Joe Frankovitch wrote:
> Hello all,
> My group just recently switched over to HOE after completing the Devil's
> Tower Trilogy...our harrowed is still in the campaign (MY Lord he has a
> lot skills now), but the other couple of us decided to make new
> characters, even though our two characters went through the Portal.
> Having just now subscribed to this list, I'm sure this has been asked
> before, but I didn't see it on the Accumulated Rulings page, so, here
> goes.
> I chose to make a doomsayer, and one of my Miracles is meltdown. It lists
> a speed of Special. Is this a misprint? Neither the description nor
> table lists anything about it. My Marshall just sat there with his jaw
> open as I rolled five actions and (assuming Meltdown had a speed of 1)
> proceeded to destroy 3 motorcyle's and two jeeps that were coming after
> the convoy I was with. The next round, I melted the guns of anyone who
> shot at me.
> I know this sounds like a lot of Strain, but my character has Life Tap,
> and believe me, I just about winded myself AND ran down to one strain.
> The scavvies all ran away, and I was the hero without killing a single
> person. (Except for the one stubborn jeep driver who kept on trying to
> come as the jeep melted around him, but that was his fault.)
The way we handled this in the game I am running is the speed is equal to the
strain needed to use the power. A speed of 1 would make the ability a bit to
powerfull indeed.