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Re: [HoE] Fortitude Response Topics
> After the 2 turns lock on period. it states that
> the gyrojet will zip around corners and through heavy cover. So am I
> correct to assume that around croners means no Line of Sight?
Your Syker will need LOS to lock the gyrojet onto the targets
brainwaves, which means he'll nee to keep it in sight for two rounds.
After that, if the target moves, the gyrojet will follow it.
> What is the maximum range? Can I lock on the target, run a mile then fire
> the gyrojet expecting it to hit on target?
1)That I don't know, because range wasn't covered, but regular bullets
have a range of several hundred toseveral thousand feet. Given that it's
a gyrojet and travels at a flatter trajectory than regular bullets, and
given the size of the round, I'd give it a range [before the round fals
to the ground] of about a mile. Effetive range would be maybe 200
2) Your Syker will most likely lose lock on the targets brainwaves after
running a mile, since he's probably not going to be able to stand there
pointing is TSAR at the target [it's not all just Syker brainpower with
the TSAR's gyrojet. The Syker has to interface with the gun's tech as
well.] while running backwards. I'm sure the gun has sensors in it to
detect target brainwaves, but they probably won't have a range farther
than a couple hundred meters.
> I remember that Sykers need direct LOS for their powers to affect the
> target, but I am guessing that the TSAR's electronics bypasses this
> restriction
Half Syker/ half Tech. I'd rule that they still need LOS to lock on and
fire. The gyrojet can 'stter' itself once out of the barrel, but I'd
still say it needs to be pointed in the right direction first [i.e.,
gyrojets can't make bootleggers turns over the Sykers shoulder to hit
the target running behind him.]
> So if this is possible, this makes the TSAR a vastly superior
> weapon to the Brit gyro and the gyrojet worth every penny.
Still, the 7d10 automatic hit in the head makes it worthwhile. No called
shot or rolling. Just spend your two actions locking on and the gyro
does the rest. The target still needs to have a card left to vamoose and
pull off a Dodge (11) check.
"Hell hath no fury like the lawyer of a scorned woman."