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[HoE] Fortitude Response Topics
Jesse VanValkenburg wrote via Matt Steflik:
>OK. Now the Tsar. Yes it is cool to hit automatically in the head with
>a fair blastin roll, but it takes two actions to do this. Now the
>problem I have is the cost. You can take a normal British gyro for 300,
>add a laser sight for another 200, add a scope for range for another 500
>(that increases the range to
>80) and you then take the same two actions: one to aim then fire. You
>get a +4 to hit, so to hit in the head is a 7 tn with the first round,
>and you can fire it at a ROF of 6 so you hit a lot more than once. All
>this is only 1000, or one Belongings point. Now the Tsar is 3000 and 100
>per shot to gain only a +2. Why would anyone spend 3 belongins for a
>tsar, the extra 2000 plus 100 per round vs 5 per round for the iw40? is
>the bonus of +2 really worth 2000 more for the gun and 1 round instead
>of 20 rounds per 100 you spend that do the same damage? So you see,
>again the cost and the balance is not there. It sounds cool and neat,
>but when you look at it, it is not worth the bother.
The TSAR rifle may not seem worth the bother when you reduce the
weapons to the stats, costs and potential benefits to your character.
However, when I look at creating a character with a theme, or even a
general idea,(such as a Syker from the Faraway War), I generally opt to
select everything from Aptitudes down to gear with that general theme in
mind. I created a Banshee Syker shortly after Brainburners came out, and
I did choose to select the Belongin's in order to have a TSAR. I did
this with the thought in mind that my Syker was one of the lucky ones who
managed to squirrel some gear away and made it back to earth with it.
Wondering about how easily I could find rounds later, or how the TSAR
matched up to other firearm options really didn't come into the equation
when I was figuring out what my primary weapon would be.
I chime in to say this simply because I wanted you to know that
there are some of us out there who would take gear such as the TSAR, even
though it might not seem economically sound compared to weapons in other
source books. At least for me, it is a matter of theme, or character
concept, and we just look at creating characters from different angles.
However, I do agree with you to an extent about the Banshee
Stones. If I recall, as I haven't looked through Brainburners in some
time, you can take a 1 to 5 point stone at around 1,000 per point.
(Forgive me if that's not correct). I didn't feel that for a small
amount of Strain the cost was worth it in this case. Now if I had come
up with a really cool background for my character which involved the use
of such....:-)
Judas Stone
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