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Re: [HoE] Fortitude Ruling Response (long)[John]
B.D. Flory wrote:
> First, there is such a thing as erratta. The edge, as printed, may be
> different than the edge as intended. Second, Hopler's the brand manager.
> He can change/twist/bend/etc. any rule he wants. Third, IYGDWYW.
> Oh yeah, and four, don't argue with the brand manager- he'll sic Stone on
> you. ;)
Easy, hoss! Jesse isn't arguing with anybody - he just had an opinion
based on what we had been doing vs. what we all suddenly realized was
officially wrong. He's looking for some discourse on the subject from
other players and marshals to support the ruling in mechanics terms
(thanks doctor23 - I think thats the type of stuff he's looking for).
Of course we'll do what we want in our own game anyway, and I understand
there's always errata. This was just a major one that we weren't aware
of, and it left us feeling a little dumbfounded.
Matt Steflik
Master of Wahoo
Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik/