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Re: [HoE] Character Generator News - All Users Please Read (Long)

>   So here's the big question: assuming that there will be several folks
> out there who can't or won't spend the time to download these larger initial
> versions, would you be willing to shell out a few bucks (I'm thinking $5)
> for me to make a CD-ROM to mail to you? The $5 would pay for the following:
> blank CD, jewel case, label, and postage (for international users, I'll eat
> the extra cost if it's not too extreme.) I wouldn't make a dime, and don't
> intend to. As long as I'm supporting this software, it will be freeware. I
> would need to cover costs to send out CDs though.

Personally, I'm a big fan of James' DLCG and HoECG. Having them on disk
would be great [so I don't have to go DL all of them every time Windows
crashes on me and loses all my files.] I'd have no problem giving five
bucks for the CD and postage and all.

"The proctologist called. They found your head."