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[HoE] Character Generator News - All Users Please Read (Long)


    I've run into a significant issue involving distribution of the new
Brave New World character generator that I'd like to get your feedback on.
Before all of you DLCG and HOECG users stop reading, a warning: this will
effect you too if you plan to get the next versions of those packages.

    Some background info: when I began working on the BNWCG, I made the
decision to move the code up to the most current version of Visual Basic, in
order to take advantage of some new tools. One of these is is Microsoft's
new database access technology, called ADO. ADO is used in Office2000, IE5,
and all future Microsoft software, until they come up with a new one in a
few months. Think the Flash Gordon movie here ("Do you, Ming, take this
woman to be your wife for as long as you both shall live....or until such
time as you grow weary of her?") No, I'm not bitter :)

    But I digress. My plans are to upgrade the DL and HOE packages the same
way. Why? Because some other advantages will allow me to make updates
significantly faster and easier, which means that you folks won't have to
wait as long for updates, and I won't have to be as embarrased by the fact
that the DLCG is WAYYY behind schedule.

    After getting the Brave New World character generator ready for install
testing, Microsoft has provided me with a rude surprise. It seems that in
order for the new database access method that I'm using to work, I'll be
required to distribute several more megabytes of DLL files. This isn't
really an issue if I'm distributing on CD-ROM, but as an Internet download
it's a big deal. I'm very sensitive to the concerns of folks who have slow
connections (like my own at home), and going from a 4MB download to a max of
15MB download is a significant jump.

    One important note: the base install will be about 4MB, like the HOE and
DLCGs. The extra database component required is called MDAC (6.5MB). If
you're an Office2000 or IE5 user, you probably already have it. If you're a
Windows 95 user without it, you'll also need something called DCOM95
(1.17MB). If you want to use the PDF functionality provided, you'll need
Acrobat Reader as well, but it's not required. For Internet distribution,
the best way to provide these things would be as separate downloads. If you
need the extra components, grab them. If not, don't.

    As far as updates go, I now have the install sets on a "controlled"
machine. This means that I can go back to distributing small (few hundred K)
updates instead of forcing you to grab the whole thing as has happened with
the last couple of updates.

    So here's the big question: assuming that there will be several folks
out there who can't or won't spend the time to download these larger initial
versions, would you be willing to shell out a few bucks (I'm thinking $5)
for me to make a CD-ROM to mail to you? The $5 would pay for the following:
blank CD, jewel case, label, and postage (for international users, I'll eat
the extra cost if it's not too extreme.) I wouldn't make a dime, and don't
intend to. As long as I'm supporting this software, it will be freeware. I
would need to cover costs to send out CDs though.

Now that the bad news is out of the way, here's what you'll see in BNWCG:

1) All main rulebook and "Ravaged Planet" material.
2) A database editor, to add and edit your own skills, packages, tricks,
powers and quirks.
3) Print and save characters as ASCII text or PDF sheets (PEG's own, or an
extended version that I have created. The PDFs are updatable as well, so you
can continue to use them to keep track of your characters as they gain
4) "Alpha Mode", similar to "Marshal Mode" in the other packages. This
allows you to do some controlled cheating if you'd like to make characters a
bit more powerful than starting ones.

    Currently, the code is DONE. I still have to key in the descriptions of
the powers/skills/etc., and test various install scenarios, but the software
itself is ready to ship.

    As for all you DLCG and HOE folks, you'll be getting the PDF and editor
functionality in the next releases of those versions. As soon as BNW gets
out the door, I'll be hitting DLCG full-bore. I plan to COMPLETELY update it
for the next release, as in: Book of the Dead, Fu rules, LA
Anah...whatevers, both Back East books, Hexagrams, and anything else
currently out that I haven't mentioned. I'm as tired as you are of it being
behind, and I guarantee it'll be done. HOE needs Junkman Cometh and Cyborgs
info added as well.

    If you're still reading this, thanks. I may be slow, but I am dedicated
to getting these things out to you as efficiently as possible. I think that
once you get to play around with the PDFs and the editor, you'll find the
wait to be worth it.

James Cook