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Re: [HoE] fortitude [PEG]

In a message dated 9/6/99 2:32:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
sandy_addison@bc.sympatico.ca writes:

<< Okay I realize that this question might have been asked and answered a
 long time ago but I can't find the answer that I need in any of the
 material that I have.
 Which is the correct interpreation of how the edge work?
    1)A syker starts with 10 strain. He gets the foritude edge he now has
 20 strain. If he exceeds the 20 strain he then starts rolling against
 his vigor for potenical brainburn.
    2)A syker starts with 10 strain. He gets the fortitude edge and he now
 has a maxium strain of 20. However as soon as he exceeds his original 10
 he must start rolling vigors rolls for brainburn, and their it no way
 possible to exceed the 20 strain. >>

The second option is the right one.

John Hopler