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Re: [HoE] Enough! [was:Veteran's Day [ot]]
My apologies Chris. I sent a response out before I saw this ( and your other. )
I will not respond again... ( No I am not being scarastic...)
Chris Aniballi wrote:
> > Dude, no matter what you sentiments are, there is a moderator. He has
> > spoken, and will speak again when the time is right to him...
> >
> > -----
> > Charles Little
> My sentiments have noting to do with it. I haven't gotten involved except to
> say that this is not on topic for the list. This is a HoE list, not a
> political discussion group. If it's not on topic it belongs in private
> e-mail or on the OT list, that's what it was created for. And for that
> matter the moderator did say that it would be best if it did go off the
> list, I merely repeated it after that recomendation went ignored.
> Chris Aniballi
> Now you've got me doing it!
> ==========
> I told you about the Walrus and me - man
> You know that we're as close as can be - man
> Well here's another clue for you all / The Walrus was Paul
> -The Beatles, Glass Onion
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