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Re: [HoE] Veteran's Day [ot]
At 02:18 PM 11/11/99 -0500, Jeffery D Vogan wrote:
>You have no clue.... Hope you enjoy your freedom these killers >brought you.
I'm sorry to say, but these particular killers did not bring about my
freedom -- lately it was brought about by (so as not to get into any
details) the Solidarity movement with, fortunately, minimal bloodshed
(directed against it, not effected by it). These people were no killers.
I do happen to write this in Poland -- and it just so happens that the
killers of WWII, despite their heroism and commitment, failed to bring any
particular freedom to this country.
[for those who do not follow Polish history (and why should you?), it fell
under the Soviet rule after WWII, and trust me, it was not fun --
especially early on, i.e. 40s and 50s]
And, supposedly, Poland emerged victorious from WWII -- i.e. it was on the
winning, Allied side. Now go and compare it to say, Sweden -- officially
neutral all the way, collaborating with the Nazis. No heroic soldiers, no
heroic war. The standard of living happens to be a few times higher than
in Poland. And yes, generally more freedom as well. Go figure.
And you yourself claim to have participated in an invasion -- hardly a
defense of American freedom.
As for my having no clue, I agree, I don't. But do you?
That is, I'm sorry to get this personal, but have you killed anybody?
Would you be ready to if a push came to a shove?
I haven't and I wouldn't. And I don't happen to be ashamed of my cowardice
(or lack of testosterone, for that matter).
[By most standards, though, I am considered male]
Kociak a.k.a. Kitten => kociak@usa.net
"Luminous beings are we - not this crude matter"