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Re: [HoE] Veteran's Day [ot]

	Gosh, I didn't want to get involved with this thread, but I just have
to. I agree 100% with Allan's sentiment (which is nicely written as
well). What better definition of a hero than one who is willing to kill
and die to protect home and hearth from the devastation of war? I dount
that anyone would dispute that the taking of human life is an
abomination, but when it comes down (as it so often has in history) to
us or them, it has to be them everytime. I'm grateful those brave people
put it all on the line for me, and I say the very least they deserve is
a little respect once a year.

"Kociak a.k.a. Kitten" wrote:
> At 03:29 AM 11/11/99 -0800, Allan Seyberth wrote:
> >       WHAT IS A VETERAN?
> There is, unfortunately, one more answer
> Veteran is either a killer or a would be killer.  For one reason or another
> s/he participated in a war, which is, basically, about trying to kill the
> other guy (the bad guy, of course).  Obviously, s/he might have had quite a
> good reason, but there I still do have a problem of hero worship directed
> at killers.
> [sorry for clogging the list; I needed to get this off my chest]
> Kociak a.k.a. Kitten => kociak@usa.net
> "Luminous beings are we - not this crude matter"
>                                                                                                         Yoda
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