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Re: [HoE] Veteran's Day [ot]
Ok... I've just gotta respond... can.. not.. resist...
Whithout these "would be killers, or killers" the US would not exists as
it is today. They fought for a lot of the freedoms that we enjoy, and at
great personal risk. There is a difference between a warrior, fighter,
and killer. Th killer kills for no reason, the fighter fights for no
reason. The warrior, knows hen to fight, when to kill, and prefers to do
neither. I look on most members of our armed forces as warriors. I have
never served, and am very much appreciative of what they do, for rolled up
into one, they are a deteerrent, a defense, and a force to help out the
helpless. Two quotes by great men come to mind... "Without struggle,
there is no progress" Frederick Douglass, and (paraphrased) "To keep
peace, one must be prepared to war." It would be ideal if this were not
the case, but it is, and those men and women who choose to follow the path
of the warrior should be venerated for their sacrifices...
Charles Little
Systems Architect/Sr. Partner
Infinite Visions Studios
e-mail: charles.little@infinite-visions.com, voice: (877) 483-6339
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the stars..."
-Oscar Wilde
On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Kociak a.k.a. Kitten wrote:
> At 03:29 AM 11/11/99 -0800, Allan Seyberth wrote:
> There is, unfortunately, one more answer
> Veteran is either a killer or a would be killer. For one reason or another
> s/he participated in a war, which is, basically, about trying to kill the
> other guy (the bad guy, of course). Obviously, s/he might have had quite a
> good reason, but there I still do have a problem of hero worship directed
> at killers.
> [sorry for clogging the list; I needed to get this off my chest]
> Kociak a.k.a. Kitten => kociak@usa.net
> "Luminous beings are we - not this crude matter"
> Yoda
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