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Re: [HoE] Cyborg Questions
>Powering junker devices: This works really well for devices like guns,
>not very well for vehicles. 1 point of drain per round is 360 points
>per hour (assuming 10sec rounds) meaning that an average cyborg with a
>power-jack can power a massive hover tanks for less than 1 drain per
>round... which just seems silly. Has anyone come up with a way around
>this? Or should it just be left as it is, making cyborgs the most
>practical power source in the wasted west?
This problem exists in the Junker book as well. Tech spirits (or whatever
they're called) attached to an item are said to generate power per round.
Yet vehicles use power per hour. You slap a Vehicular spirit on your
hoverbike, and you're going to have excess power to spare...
Steve Crow
"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"
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