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[HoE] Re: Monsters, Muties, et. al

> Eight days at sea, and still no sign of the great mutant whale.  Anybody see
> MM&M yet?  Anything on the horizon?  I'm getting a bit frustrated with the
> dearth of product coming out for Hoe, (and Weird West for that matter.)

Hal was reviewing the printer proofs on South o' the Border and M3 (I think those were
the two--if not it was the next two Dime Novels, but I'm pretty sure they were
sourcebooks) this week. So, yes, they are at the printer, but...the proofs needed some
adjustment. Not a lot, but some. I'd expect the books by mid-next month. They might come
earlier, but with the holiday season bearing down on us, none of us can make promises
for the printer. ;-)

Hold on just a little longer--things are starting to settle out. :-)

> Also, what's up with no adventures in the Cyborgs and Junkers books?  I hope
> this isn't going to the norm.  "Me need adventures -adventures good!"

Actually, it most likely is. We've decide to pull the adventures out in favor of more
material in the books. However, don't despair, 'cause over the next few months you
should be seeing a couple of Dime Novels and some full-length adventures as well.

John Goff