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[HoE] The Servitor & The Girl
For those who remembered my little problem with a Templar trying to earn a
Legend Chip off of an adventure where he spent his half his time attacking
the party members who were protecting the innocent girl that gave the
Servitor its power...
Here's the Legend as it was told, compliments of the group's storyteller:
Gather 'round, and I'll tell you of the time when a girl fought the
monsters in her mind. Yes, there was a girl-still is, in fact-who came into
the world alive with dreams. Her thoughts alone could shape her world, yet
they slept within her…waiting for the time when she would have need of them.
But power is a coveted food, and evil scents it, finds it sweet. So one
night, alone in her dreams, the girl met The Dark Man. It hungered for her
power, and chased her through her mind. It found the memories that scared
her most, and took its form. The Dark Man made her fear…and through her
fear it fed. It grew. It became real. And it became powerful.
Then from the north came six who fight against the Dark. One with the
powers of the Glow. One who follows the light of the Glow. One who protects
those who are worthy. One with the star of justice on his vest. One with
the powers of the mind, and a woman. They followed the Dark Man's trail.
They braved the Maelstrom that was its lair. They found the little girl,
her soul intrinsically tied to the Dark Man. They found the Dark Man,
waiting to give them their deaths. And this is what they did.
The one with the star of justice on his vest fought the Dark Man. He knew
it was a losing battle, but he was willing to give his life so that others
may live. But he could not kill the Dark.
The one with the powers of the Glow looked within the girl, to find if she
was the Chosen One. He found that she was not, and she became nothing to
him. He fought the Dark Man bravely, and the powers of the Glow rose strong
within him. But he could not kill the Dark.
The one who protects those who are worthy judged the girl, and found her
wanting. He saw the power of the Dark Man came from the girl, and tried to
kill her to take the Dark Man's power away. But he could not kill the Dark.
The one who follows the light of the Glow saw the girl attacked by his
companion, and threw himself into the path of the deadly blade, so that she
might live. The sacrifice saved the girl's life. But he could not kill the
The one with the powers of the mind watched from a distance, his gun in
hand. He knew a kinship with the girl, and could sense her connection to
the Dark Man. And he knew that he could not kill the Dark.
And the woman took the girl into her arms, and whispered softly to her,
"See the people who would fight the Dark Man. They cannot kill him, but
they will die fighting the Dark. The Dark feeds on fear, but it is afraid.
It is afraid of you. For we cannot kill the Dark…but you can."
And when the girl saw all these fighting against the Dark, she lost her
fear. She screamed, and the Dark Man screamed with her. For once the Dark
Man could not scare her, he lost his power over her. The Dark Man howled in
protest, but became nothing…dissolving away into the mere shadows that it
So learn well the lessons of this tale, as did the girl who fought the
monsters of her mind. Fear is the greatest power the Dark has over each of
us. If you are unafraid and willing to fight, the Dark will have no
dominion over you.
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