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Re: [HoE] Some questions on Weird west Characters in Wasted west...

>I seem to remember there being something in one of the books ( don't 
>which one) about Weird west characters ( specifically hucksters and 
>having special rules in HoE. Does anyone know where these are?

The Hucksters have special rules in the Junker SB.  However, it's a bit 
confusing, since it says there all HoE Hucksters must be Scientists.  Since 
it's not clear if that requirement of the section holds for Weird West 
Hucksters, it's equally unclear which the various handicaps applied to 
relatively inexperienced HoE HucksterScientists would apply to the older WW 
ones as well.  There was an argument on that a while back, and John Hopler 
at one point said he might alter those rules somewhat.  He hasn't mentioned 
it since...

I believe the Toxic Shamans book (or whatever it was going to be titled), 
when it is released, may have some guidelines on how WW Blessed are modified 
in hoE.

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Steve Crow

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