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Re: [HoE] Massive damage

I'm going to reply to 3 different messages here...

Abdullah Oblongota wrote:

> Here's a fix for the massive damage rules...it works slightly better for
> dynamite, but here goes:
> -Roll damage just like before and figure out the number of wounds.
> -Instead of rolling location and applying one wound per area, roll location and
> apply 1d4 (or 1d6, I haven't thought too heavily about this) to whatever
> location is rolled. Thus:

Thats sounds good.  I might give that a go, ignoring armor.  Possibly using a d4 and
not re-rolling aces.

Risik@aol.com wrote:

>    What about special armor powers: like syker's Forcefield, Templars Armor
> of the Saints and coup gained armor?

Haven't thought that far.  Forcefields should help, innate armor should give some
benefit but not as much as it does now.

Maybe with armor that could help you have to roll under it's value with a d10 to
save for light, or under 6 * it's value for real armor.   (Similar to current armor
save, but not as likely to help)

"Leybourne, Brian" wrote:

>With explosions, the main damage component is the concussion of the blast
>(well, and the shrapnel, but that's not so much a factor with WW dynamite.)

>So, they way I do it is to apply two lots of damage. Firstly, roll damage
>normally (3D20 or what-have-you) and apply it all to wind. The PC is pretty
>much guaranteed to be knocked unconscious,

Oouch.   While this sounds rather realistic, it would make area affect powers too
usefull.  Maybe use these rules for conventional explosions (like dynamite) with
things like nuke being done as above (arcane energy explodes differently... more
damge from the heat/radiation and less from the concussion, or some sort of
justification like that)
