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Re: [HoE] Some Thoughts on Doug's Thoughts on My Messed-Up Campaign (was My players derailing the campaign yet again

At 09:07 PM 11/2/99 -0500, you wrote:
>You know I've been thinking.  There's exactly four characters in my player
>posse.  Maybe each one is a servitor of one of the Horsemen, and just
>doesn't realize it.  It's as good an explanation as any for all the harm
>they've done in the Wasted West.

I think your party has already done so much work for the Reckoners that
they can pretty much be considered servitors. Simon and the Templars, which
represented the biggest threat to the Reckoners, is now gone. What would
these guys do if they met up with Joan? Just hand her severed head over to
Silas? These guys aren't that far away from nuking the Iron Oasis,
destroying the Convoy, and eliminating any other forces of good.