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Comments on Steve's Thoughts Was: RE: [HoE] My players derailing the campaign yet again

Steve wrote (with regards to the Rock Springs portion of my game's fiasco):

>Well, the opposition is supposed to go up as more and more robots get the 
>idea that the party is in town.  While I don't believe the module states 
>exact numbers, I would have thrown some pretty substantial numbers at them.
>Since you said "Finally" I assume they had several battles?  I hope that 
>last one was pretty tough...

They had four battles with the combots before they found the sword, with
anywhere from three to six combots attacking them each time.  Luck was with
my players, and a vast number of Aces were rolled, allowing them to cut
down the combots at an obscene rate.

>Since the point of the adventure is more to defeat the evil types than find 
>Ritter's sword (which is more of a player reward + McGuffin than anything), 
>I would have "guided" them towards the warehouse before letting them find 

I agree.  However, my posse has no Doomsayer, and I really didn't want them
going up against the Cult O' Doom's undead flunky with no way of
dispatching him permanently.  Therefore I guided them to the sword,
figuring they'd proceed to investigate the rest of town and eventually end
up at the warehouse.  Silly me...

>Well, since Ritter _died_ as a templar fighting them, and (I think) his 
>journal entry pretty much clarifies what the robots are up to (assuming they 
>found his journal at the water tower),

They never found the hidey-hole at the water tower.

<<with all these fights they've been picking for the 
>blue chip, haven't they _already_ "bugged them" enough to come out of town 
>after the posse?
An excellent point which I never thought of.  I'll be sure to bring this up
with my players the next time we play.  Thanks!
