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Re: [HoE] Templar Observation

At 12:16 PM 9/24/99 PDT, Steve Crow wrote:
>Don't have it right here, but I don't believe that's how Greater Power 
>works.  Simply participating in an adventure that earns _the group_ a Legend 
>Chip entitles the Templar to (normally, of course) select a Greater Power.  
>No expenditure of the chip itself is required, either to purchase the GP or 
>to use it later.

Sorry, my brain fart.  Fine then - let him *think* he's gotten it, then do
as below...

>>When he tries to *USE* the power, the Saint gives him a stern (sorry)
>Well, that part of it was per my intent...  :)

If he questions the saint, have Stern point out that he really wasn't in
the GROUP that helped defeat the Servitor...


SeanMike Whipkey - Cornerstone Networks Engineering - highway@cstone.net
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