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Re: [HoE] House Rules
>Any more interesting house rules out there?
Well, actually, yes. In reference to certain Edges and Hindrances, I
usually only let them go at one per game. Things like Grim Servant O'
Death, Monster Magnet, Last Man Standing, Super Soldier, Omega Man and high
point levels of Ailin' and Enemy. I figure that these Edges and Hindrances
are just WAY too powerful to allow to more than one character, not to
mention that more than one "Last Man" can cause arguments over who's going
to be left standing to fight the monster and multiple "Super Soldiers" makes
any creature you throw out into so much hamburger. Multiple "Monster
Magnets" cause havoc as all of your critters still divide up evenly, and
several "Grim Servants" turn every survivor settlement into a ghost town.
On a similar note, I have allowed ONE and ONLY one player in my HoE campaign
to take both Veteran Edges. He pulled the a Joker for his stats and we
talked for about two days about the possibility that he could play his old
Deadlands character. I thought the idea had some merit to it, and we came
up with one hell of a background problem before I got the Wasted West
sourcebook. His old character was Paranoid/Obsessive-Compulsive as a Vet of
the Wierd West (he thought he was in a big game of tag! with the powers that
be. whe he was IT, he obsessed about finding a critter to tag, and once
that was done, he became paranoid, fearing that he would BE tagged), and now
he's REALLY got something to be paranoid about. He's on Stone's hit list,
as Stone killed him in 1897 and he didn't have the sense to stay dead. Not
to mention the fact that as a Harrowed survivor with both Edges, he has two
conflicting sets of memories: one where he dies of old age with a family
around him in the early 1930's and another where he dies, comes back and
watches the world end. How's THAT for an added disadvantage for you.
Laughing all the way to the morgue,
Paul Zichichi
"The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more
proficient at genocide."
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