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Re: [HoE] Junker/Cyborg stuff
><<Wouldn't the size of a cyber-arm directly impact its Strength? It's hard
> imagine a skinny little Frame-2 wire-thin arm doing STR 4d12+4... :)>>
>That's what Super Strength is for. Basically, every device has a Strength
>is relative to it's Frame. Frame 2 is something like 3d4. But SS allows
>device to get a boost in Strength, so the arm could stand up to the
*nods* yep. But I'm still not totally sure how it relates to size and the
miniaturization issue In this case it almost seems like the smaller the
frame, the _harder_ it would be to boost its strength. I'll take a look at
the stuff again...
><<That would be my approach as well, although the Junker SB words it more
> an absolute ban (i.e., you can't miniaturize a car at all) rather than
> simply preventing you from miniaturizing the non-passenger/control
> of a car.>>
>I'm definitely with ya here; I'll take slightly more complicated over
>strict &
>simple. But adding something like that to the book would have required
>space in a book that was already bursting at the seams, and another level
>complication to scare away people who think fractions are gonna come and
>them in their sleep...
Well, I've got a review of Junkers Sourcebook coming out over at
www.azraelonline.com, and I pretty much dismissed the concerns that the
calculations were too complicated. I saved that for the Cyborg Sourcebook
review. :)
><<Again, this might seem like "common sense" or "use your imagination" but
> often find that when a sourcebook's or rulebook's statements contradict
> "common sense," there's usually a reason the authors intended. In this
> case, the author's reasoning escapes me in certain cases...>>
>Knowing the Hell that JH went through trying to put the book together,
>the numbers, and then chop the book down the the requisite number of pages,
>was most likely a very minor point in the big mess, so it was easier to
>"Ban It!" than to try and write a good explanation in the hopes that it
>be another thing that the HoE Listserv will trash him for as soon as the
>comes out.
>(yup, still a little bitter)
Well, I've worked on my share of sourcebooks, so I wasn't trying to dismiss
John's efforts. But it did strike me (as it has since struck my players
drooling over the chance to create Junkers : ) ) that Miniaturize is
potentially one _very_ useful and oft-chosen Trick. It's not really subject
to abuse per se that I've noticed so far (unless you get some really absurd
roll - unfortunately my players occasionally do), but it does strike me that
it might have got a little more explanation/scrutiny, and a little less
space devoted to some of the other Tricks.
Don't know about the Listserv issues, as I try to stay clear of that kind of
thing. Anything off-line you'd care to tell me, I'd be interested in
From Whom It May Concern,
>Richard Ranallo, The Man They Couldn't Hang
Steve Crow
"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"
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