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[HoE] A question on going from Weird to Wasted West
Hi, all!
Okay, I'm finally bringing my Weird West players to the Wasted West, and I
got a problem I'd like some help with. During the course of my Weird West
campaign my players have gained quite a bit of cash (from memory I'd say
about $15,000 between four characters) and, of course, once they reach the
Wasted West they're not going to be able to use a bit of this. My problem
is this: should I hint that they should spend as much of this money as they
can before I run this week's adventure (which will leave them in the Wasted
West), or should I keep silent and just let them wander the Wasted West
with bags o' worthless cash? While it makes sense for the latter to occur,
I don't want them to feel like all the adventures they went on to earn the
money were a waste of time, especially since they've run their characters
as a bunch of greedy fools who'll do anything for cash, and I mean
anything. Any thoughts?