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[HOPLER] Re: [HoE] Cyborg Cold Cuts

>Junker/Cyborg parts can be powered by the Spirit Fetter...it's the same 
>Of course, one mount location in a can only equals 5 junker slots, so the 
>would most likely have to be miniaturized.  As for the power to use, I 

Hmmm, that raises another question we have come up occasionally.  Wouldn't 
the "Miniaturize" trick not be usable here?  Just as making bullets or a car 
smaller would tend to defeat the purpose of them, wouldn't making a 
junker-type cyber arm smaller/miniaturized to a very great degree make it 
unusable as well?

Or is the point that you can miniaturize something that would require Frame 
Size X+2 (don't have a Junker SB in front of me, but X = the size of an arm) 
so that everything fits in Frame Size X?

But if you can do that, why can't you do that with a bullet or car (i.e., 
build a Car requiring 9 Frame size, but miniaturize it down to a 
motorcycle-sized Size 7)

Must admit, we've found this a little confusing...

>If you're worried about justifying in-game something that resulted from a 
>pull, remember that you're supposed to be creative with it anyway.  We 

Oh dear.  Actually I was more curious as to how to _create_ it in-game, 
rather than rationalizing it from a VotWeirdWest draw.  You know, if I want 
to really do something unpleasant to an existing, Cyborg character.

Although in terms of general power level, we were also kinda curious.  What 
does it _take_ to not only Maim a limb, but do it to such a degree that it 
can't be fixed/replaced (as opposed to simply hoping everyone fails their 
healing rolls to recover it).

>argue for weeks over what kind of critter could make someone unable to 
>fate chips to negate wounds or make animals scared of him.  But we're not,
>because it's something best done on a case-by-case basis.

And I was trying to ascertain if anyone else had had this come up, and what 
they did in that particular case.  I wasn't planning on arguing with them on 
whether what they did in their campaign was "right" or not, just trying to 
see if anyone had had this come up.  Somehow (as someone else noted) this 
got misconstrued as "whining" - not sure how.


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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