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Re: [HoE] Another Cyborg ?

>The downside is that some of those evils left their mark on the character.
>And that's through extra problems for the character.  If that includes
>missing limbs, then it wouldn't make much sense to allow the Harrowed
>Veteran to have missing limbs for his downside and then just stick bionics
>on them.  It would remove the disadvantage of getting Veteran in the first
>So, THAT's why you can't.  The specifics as to why the bionics wouldn't 
>there, make something up.  The Agency scientists aren't Lego maniacs, they
>can't just stick a bionic arm on a deader and have it work.  It involves
>many implants and surgeries and so forth.  So, perhaps there isn't a strong
>enough foundation to allow a proper fitting.  Maybe the wound is still
>festering.  Who knows?  But a Marshal shouldn't let his player buy off a
>disadvantage before the show even begins.

I wasn't planning on it - that's what I meant in the paragraph below abot 
not allowing it as a Marshal.  My question was more about the "why" and 
whether there was anything officially stated.  "Make something up" is, as 
always, a redundant bit of advice to a gamemaster.  :)

After all, given the potential proliferation of cyborg replacements, I might 
want to have a monster with the ability to, in "real-time" as it were, 
inflict such a wound, rather than count on the healer(s) to fail their 
chances to permanently heal such a wound.  Does such a creature exist (since 
I dont' seem to have seen the MM&M book yet)?

>Also, what about a Harrowed who, say, deliberately cuts his arm off for a
>cyborg replacement version?  Obviously, the "Arm Loss" Weird Wewst/handicap
>would have no bearing here (and I wouldn't allow it as a Marshal).  Still,
>just as a matter of background/justification, is this possible within the
>framework of the existing game rules?


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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