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Re: [HoE] Lost Colony: A Theory

>Spoiler Space --snipped--

My two cents, with a little bit of off topic technical goobing:

On Lost colony:
Interesting.  Not sure if ya'll are right, or have too much free time (like
I can talk).  I have a couple of theories on where Hellstromme is
(firebringer, the doomsayer, from HOE?), but Lost colony has not been one
of them.  AS for the aliens, that has been a weird subplot for the last
year.  I have wondered whether they were the servants of the reckoners or
not, or anything like that.  I will reserve judegement on anything further
until next year.

on to devil's tower and HOE: I have a bit of a continuity prblem.  

Stone uses a ritual at the end of devil's tower to turn the area into a
deadland if the heroes lose.  In Jackie's description of the history of the
tower, she says that the diamond that the scientists use to activate the
time portal was found used and drained on top of the mesa (where stone did
the ritual).  

This seems to mean that in HOE, stone completed the ritual.  Otherwise, how
was the diamond used and discarded on top of the tower.  Someone (Jo, I
believe) even says that the area was turned into a deadland sometime in the
late 19th century.

But, if the heroes succeed (which is the "official ending"), Jackie takes
the untapped diamond back to the future, so it never exists drained to be
found on top of he mesa.  Quantum physicist I am not, but a bit of a
paradox exists here, yes?

Top that off with the fact thar in Wasted West, Jo says that the tower was
destroyed in the last war, some 13 years before jackie wells and the
scientists were to open the portal.