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[HoE] The JunkWidow
This is ever-so-much-not a starting Junker device, but I've been working on
this one for the last (not counting time for helping these loozer customers,
potty breaks and other stuff) 30 minutes...
The JunkWidow
The JunkWidow is a giant (40' tall) mobile "spider" made completely out of
junk. While it is large, it has little room for passengerS; only 3 can fit
within the cab of the JunkWidow (which is a modified tractor-trailer cab).
Placed all over the JunkWidow are cameras which feed into a small vidscreen
(hey, had to save space somewhere) in the JunkWidow's cab, allowing the
pilot to see with a full 360 degrees around the vehicle with a range of
about a mile. Likewise, microphones can pick up noises within 1000 yards of
the JunkWidow in a 90 degree arc in front of the machine.
Although the armor of the JunkWidow is formidible on its own, if threatened,
it can erect an armor value 2 shield, giving the vehicle an armor of 3.
It's 4 (yes, 4) legs provide it the ability to walk through nearly any type
of terrain, but at the rather slow speed of 40mph maximum. However, the
JunkWidow has some get-up-and go, capable of accelerating at 15mph.
Weapons systems are limited to "normal" non-junker weapons systems and
should be bought and installed using the information in Road Warriors.
Name: JunkWidow
Frame: 17 (40' tall)
Locomotion: Handling -3, Load Limit 60, AV 1
Suspension: Walker (514.5 slots)
Max Speed: 40 mph
Accelleration: 15mph (600.25)
Armor: level 3 (giving a total AV of 4) (514.5 slots)
Commo: Data/sound, small speakers (2 slots, 0 drain)
Commo: Video, Tiny monitor (2 slots, 1 drain)
Shield: AV 2 (34 slots)
Sensor: Enhanced Sight, 1 mile, 360 degree arc (9 slots, 9 drain per hour)
Sensor: Basic hearing , 1,000 yds , 90 degree arc (1.75 slot, 1.75 drain per
Extras: 320 GR Powerpack (32 slots)
Drain: 12 per hour just walking, 23 per hr with sensors on, 17 drain per
shot taken when protected with Shield
Available Slots: 3
Stability: 16 (base)
TN to Build: 24
Cost: N/a Passengers: 3 Engine: G-Rays Gas Tank: 320 GR Powerpack MPG:
Special Suspens: Walker Wheels: 0
Top Speed: 40 Pace:100 Accel: 15mph Durability: 75/15 Armor: 4 Handling:
-3 Size: +7 Load Limit: 60
Shield is dome shaped and provides AV 2.
Marshal Nightchilde
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