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Re: [HoE] Currency
"Richard A. Ranallo" wrote:
> Say a big town has a line in front of the gate, a la Bartertown. You get up
> there, and a big fat guy asks, "What've you got to trade?" If you've got salvage
> that the town government is interested in, they give you BarterBucks™ (come up
> with a better name if you want...no, PLEASE come up with a better name)
I would base the name on the town or maybe someone important in the town.
Basically it comes down to how you want to run your HOE campaign. Each Marshall
will have his own opinion on how to do things. That said here is mine....
I think the main problem with a currency in HOE is that, as I see it, there are
only really two groups capable of even attempting it. The Combine and Junkyard.
The Combine won't do it because that is not there real aim. They say they want
to bring government back, but they really just want to conquer. Look at the Black
Hats. They are sent out in squads of 20 and basically told to "go and pillage." Get
what you can to survive.
Junkyard is a real good possibility. I like the idea of the Junkyard dollar
being backed by the Spook Juice of Junkyard.
However, here is the problem. Who will use this currency? Let's say Junkyard
DOES issue a currency. It will be good inside Junkyard for a limited amount, and
that is INSIDE of the issuing agency. Outside the Junkyard dollar will be useless.
Why you ask?
As I see it resources in HOE are limited. To compound this problem you have
major survival issues going on. You have food problems, I figure a lot of food is
bad or irradiated with ghost rock. Then you have the bandits and road gangs that
feel like taking more than working for what they need to survive. Then the weather
is all screwed up, Black Rain, Duststorms. Then of course there are the
abominations, servitors, and just plain walkin' dead.
Under these circumstances survival is more important than goods. Who wants 500
Junkyard dollars when facing a couple walkin' dead. They would rather have the
shotgun and shells.
That said, each Marshall will have his own vision of HOE. Hey mine changes from
campaign to campaign.
Bobby "Don't need no dollars" Farris