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A thought on Population (Was:[HoE] More Civilazied!!)
//RagnaRok wrote:
>I want my HOE campaign/world to be a little more civilazied with bigger
>settlements, and more people than the books say, i want to do this because
>well i like it when there are more people around, meaning even more bad
>guys too.
This reminded me of something I thought of a couple of weeks back. One of
the things that's been discussed on this list recently is how there seems
to be too many survivor settlements in the Wasted West, given that 7/8 of
the world's population bit the big one in the Last War. What I was
thinking is what if the Reckoners arranged things so that so many people
survived in the American West? It's said in the Wasted West that it's
believed the American West is a foci of the Reckoners' power, given they
all manifested themselves there when they first showed up after the Last
War. Maybe the Reckoners arranged things so more people survived in the
West, because they feed off of the fear generated there better, perhaps due
to some cosmic alignment. Just a thought.