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Re: [HoE] Cyborgs Questions and Nit-picking. (Spoilers, Kinda)(HOPLER)

In a message dated 8/27/99 11:01:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
drunderwood1@email.msn.com writes:

<< 1) A table is missing.  There is no Stockpile table, which is reffered
 to in the #7 Rule of Engagement.

The Stockpile ROE description is off. Cyborgs with this ROE roll on the 
Search & Destroy Table to see what they're required to stockpile.
     2)The Spurs have two listed Defensive Bonuses.  The Chart on page 110
 says +2, but the listing itself says +1.  Which is correct?

The +2 DB is correct
     3) Hard Point systems:  Do they just add slots for more stuff to go on
 to?  Do the hardpoints themselves take up a slot?  If so, then the Head Hard
 Point is rather useless, since it would merely replace itself.
Hard point systems add extra slots for mounting external systems like weapons 
and armor. They do take up slots: 1 per location for light systems and 2 per 
location for heavy systems. Head hardpoints are fairly useless, which is why 
the description mentions them being rare.

     4) Some Equipment lists Light or Heavy in the mount section.  Does this
 mean it can only go on a corresponding Hard Point system? (ie Light on the
 Light system and Heavy on the Heavy system)

Yes. Equipment with a light rating can be mounted on a light or heavy hard 
point. Stuff with a heavy rating can only be mounted on heavy hard points. 
The number before the rating is the number of hard points the equipment uses 
     5) Only some of the Harrowed powers are listed in the book.  I assume
 the powers from Book o' the Dead are still valid, unless updated in Cyborgs
 or the HoE main book, right?

Yes, we tried to have a mix of old and new powers in Cyborgs. I picked the 
old powers I liked best and added some new ones. Old powers from Book o' the 
Dead are still valid as long as your Marshal allows them.
     6) Is a Can without an SRU stuck with their damage (to their Equipment,
 that is), barring they or a convineint Junker comes along with a Cybertech
 or Repair skill?

Yup, a cyborg without an SRU is in a bad situation. Although they weren't 
listed under the starting hardware packages, all cyborgs start with a working 
SRU (unless they take the Decrepit Hindrance).
     7) One Unusual Background Result gives a Harrowed power at level 1, but
 the book says Cyborgs cannot use Harrowed powers without a Power Focus or
 the unfettered hindrance.  Will a Harrowed power from the background still
 work for a Can?

No, without a power focus all powers a can has are cut off by the spirit 
     8) The Mounts Chart on page 83 has a listing for Replacement Mount #s
 for the locations, but no mention of a cost for having replacement
 limbs/parts.  Is there a cost, or are replacement parts just obviously
 inorganic, or is it something completely different?

The replacement parts referred to on that table are the cyber limbs, cyber 
torso, etc.
     9) This is actually an old Junkman Cometh Q: Did Rocket Man ever get a
 TN?  It wasn't in the Cyborg Errata section, and I kinda want to know for my
 Campaign. >>

Yes, rocketman has a TN of 7.


John Hopler