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Re: [HoE] Camp, Or how the horse was shot and the AudienceLaughed

> At 10:01 PM 7/29/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >I have a dictionary with an entry on the term camp, dated 1947.  It
> >to the concept we've been discussing- as such, I very much doubt the
> >originated with campus "movie clubs".  I'd be surprised if such things
> >*existed* circa 1947.
> I don't think it has anything to do with movies on college campuses...
> there's another term for those movies, usually "cult classics" a la Rocky
> Horror. 
> Camp I think refers to "summer camp", as in really cheap, lame movies
> only a summer camp could afford to show a bunch of kids with poison ivy,
> it refers to movies like Friday the 13th and a whole batch of
> imitators/sequels. Even the original Evil Dead had a very "summer camp"
> feel to it with the whole cabin thing.

And this argument faces the same problem.  I don't think summer camps
showed movies in the 1940's.

B.D. "just a hunch" Flory