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A reply does not seem to be forthcoming from Hopler anytime soon, so I'll
go ahead and jump back in.

Re: Game balance and ABs

One poster mentioned that each AB had a built in counterpart, a rock to the
AB's scissors.  That puppy ain't gonna hunt, friend.  Sure, I acknowledge
the fact that I can use a creature specifcally designed to hunt down
doomsayers, but I don't want to do it *every* combat.  That's like letting
one player play a dragon in D&D, then giving every villain an arrow of
Dragon Slaying, in the best circumstances.  At worst, it will devolve the
game into a cosmic rock-paper-scissors match.  That ain't what I'm looking
for in Hell on Earth.
	This is especially impractical when more than one AB is present in a given

Re: Killer tomatoes and camp.

	It seems to me there is a general misperception on this listserv regarding
the nature of camp.  Camp is not, and should not be, silly- rather, camp is
the art (or the accident) of being serious, yet not being taken seriously. 
Killer tomatoes are not campy.  They are, as nearly as I can define them,
"Slapstick Horror", and have no place in the Hell on Earth universe.
	The best camp is that which causes the audience to never really be *sure*
if you're serious or not.  "The Quick and the Dead" is a great example of
this; for an example of camp in a post-apocalpyse film, check out
"Six-String Samurai", an independent film now out on video.

B.D. "high camp" Flory