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Steve Crow wrote:

> >The way it's presented, you'd think Silas would _never_ have a few of his
> >Doomsayers put on purple robes, sneak into town and let themselves
> >"accidentally" be spotted while rad-poisoning the water or something.
> >Either that, or everyone assumes that, since they're harming people, they
> >_must_ be green-robers in disguise.  I guess in my universe, folks ain't
> >quite so trusting of purple-robers who aren't necessarily unwilling to nuke
> >norms if they're harming mutants.
And Phil responded:

> Well, thing is, It's probably a matter of not having enough fully trained
> green robes to spare. Think about it. He's got doombringers roaming the
> west, ready to nuke anything in purple first and ask questions later...what
> happens when a doombringer runs across a greenie wearing purple? Would they
> actually believe "Wait, wait, I'm on your--" It's pretty easy to coordinate
> fake attacks on ONE setup like the kid. But the greenie missionaries are
> probably told not to wear purple in order to keep them from getting jumped
> by their own team.

Yes, generally speaking that's true.  I think the point here is not to
have greens "wander around" in disguise wearing purple.  You're
absolutely right - they'd be just as apt to get into a fight with their
own people.  However, why not have them do it occasionally for a
specific task , a one shot that would be very visible, designed as
propaganda against the schismatics?  I could see that happening.  I mean
even if the involved greens wearing the purple were caught and dealt
with, it would still get norms thinking and make them more mistrustful
of Doomsayers in general, which still works in Silas's favor.  A
sacrifice of a Doomsayer or two might be worth it in the right
circumstance.  I could think of a couple of ways to use that as a plot