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Re: [HoE] Hucksters in HoE
Steve Crow wrote:
> >Well then, Steve, if your huckster isn't that skilled (leve 10+ in
> >Huckstering) , then I would just accept that life has gotten tougher for
> >him....that would certainly explain why nobody much goes into it in the
> >Wasted West.
> Well, as I noted to someone else, it's not "my" Huckster or anyone else's
> per se. However...
> Sure, but...given he's had 200+ years to get used to the cunning of manitous
> and learn some cunning of his own, _why_ has life gotten tougher for him to
> such a degree that he suffers an additional +4 on the Backlash roll?
> 1876-type Hucksters have _always_ tried to find the most powerful manitou
> out there, and have always had to deal with the backlash of those more
> powerful manitous when they contact with them.
What if they are just too powerful!!! What if they got so powerful that
this wonderfully crafty huckster could just no longer take it. This
sounds perfectly reasonable to me
> I guess I've yet to hear a satisfactory rationale for the +4 backlash, or
> some explanation for why this general increase in manitou power doesn't
> somehow also result in more power available to 200+ (and only 200+) year-old
> Hucksters as well. If a 200-year old manitou is more dangerous, why isn't a
> 200-year old huckster equally so?
It is up to you, but I am willing to accept that a huckster wont
progress at the same rate as a manitou. Unless of course all the
huckster has done for the past 200 years is practise and practise and
practise.... and I dont mean the one hex per day thing, I mean constant
practice... because if the manitou is fueling the hex, then I would
think (and I dont know about hucksters cos they are in Deadlands, and up
until recently, weren't really part of Hoe) that the manitou's essesnce
is fueling the hex. So the manitou doesnt really need to practice to
become more powerful, it just happens. The huckster on teh other hand,
is probably going to want to do other things with his time... that seems
like a satisfactory rationale as to why any huckster suffers the +4
backlash effect. But again, they are just my thoughts.
- michael
"Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total
obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and
through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
- Bene Gesserit Litany