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Re: [HoE] Alternate magic

If you were going to go with this computer thing, I have a wonderful
little book entitled:
	"The Magic Machine: A Handbook of Computer Sorcery"
						by A.K.Dewdney
hehehe I think that would fit in quite well.

- michael

AJSolis@aol.com wrote:
>    The other day I was thinking about alternate settings for Deadlands and
> what the equivalent of Hucksters would be.  For modern days, I can't help but
> think that the Hoyle equivalent would really work as a computer
> programmer/hacker or whatever, ala Wizardry Compiled.
>     Perhaps another offshoot of the SoS, effectively the cousins of the
> Junkers?  Perhaps they would work with the spirits of technology, I don't
> know how appropriate that would be since I don't have the Junkman book.
>     What do you guys think?  Any other ideas for Huckster equivalents?
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are we in fact more than the mere sum of our memories?"
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