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Re: [HoE] [HOE] More super soldier stuff

Cold Stones Gregg Gargano wrote:

> Okay, someone replied to my first message saying that the player should
> lose the two points for the step down in knowledge.

Okay, here's my (thoroughly unofficial) take on it:

You don't lose the points because they've already been determined. Changes
after the point determination don't retroactively alter character creation

However, I personally wouldn't allow a character to take super soldier and
syker--the two just don't work in my square peg-round hole world. Both
represent a significant investment of resources and time for the military.
Both have fairly different missions, so I doubt the military would put its
eggs in one baskets in such a fashion.

Besides, although the super soldier drug will give the syker a few extra
Strain, it actually lowers the effectiveness of the syker's blastin' skill,
making it less likely the powers will be employed in the first place. Thus,
the military-industrial machine actually hampers a rare and powerful talent
for the sake of making a "super-grunt"--not too probable a course, since the
military is responsible for providing the training and other resources
necessary to become a syker in the first place.

Just my opinion.
