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Re: [HoE] Junker Questions...

<<    No, no no.  You misunderstand me.  A hand to hand 
    weapon has a range of 0, because they're usually under 
    1 yard long, right?  What about a lance or a spear?  
    Wouldn't you be able to hit someone more than one 
    yard away?  This is what I was referring to.

I don't care how long the durned thing is, it doesn't have a range 
greater than 0 unless you throw it or its a projectile weapon. If you 
want to make a lance or spear that you throw, then it'll have a range 
(probably around 5), but even if it's 50 feet long, it'll still have a 
range of 0 if its just a melee weapon.  And yes, you could attack people 
5 yards away from you if that's how long the weapon is, that'd be its 
"reach", not it's range.  There aren't really any rules for handling 
"reach", I don't think it would add much to the rules if we did worry 
about it.>>

Actually, isn't reach handled by the Defensive Adjustment?  I thought it 
handled all the stuff like balance, length, and weapon strenght, in 
otherwords, all the stuff that makes it hard to hit the person using the 


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