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Re: [haggis] Do I know you?
On Thu, Jun 17, 2004 at 10:14:39AM -0500, Ted Rathkopf wrote:
> Meanwhile, back at the model home, mballinger@fibres.net said:
> >> 2) Make a rule only apply to people who know (or don't know) it.
> >
> > That might work. "Every player who knows about this rule . . ."
> > could be prepended to any special rule.
> Or the other way around...
> "Any player who doesn't know this rule gets a 5 point bonus." Talk
> about evil....
A poison rule! "If you are reading this, you're down 20 points (unless this is lowball, in which case you're up 20 points). Mwa hahahahh"
I think I'll name this rule "rrognlie".