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[haggis] Radical idea
Here's a radical idea. It's too early to talk much
about it or implement, but I want to put it in your
brains to mull over.
Make the game a series of rounds. They go like this:
Obtain one rule
Obtain cards
submitting ends the round. After three or so rounds,
it ends the game.
So you get your rules and cards a little at a time.
You start building a strategy, then find out you have
to change. Using this method, you could build up a
fairly large number of rules and cards and it would be
so cumbersome in the beginning.
I also see two possibilities for scoring. No scoring
until the end of the game, and scoring each round
(without revealing rules)
Feel free to discuss this, but I think we need to work
on the game as it is for now.
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