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RE: [haggis] Speed
What do we want to limit? The number of offer commands, the number of trade
commands, the number of trades that actually complete, or some combination?
If we limit only one of offer or trade commands, then the other could be
used to get around the limit.
If we limit the number of trades that actually complete, then there could be
offers that can't be completed until enough time has passed.
I've been trying to think of a way to slow us down without being too
cumbersome. Maybe if everyone earned "movepoints" based on the age of the
game and each command used one or more movepoints. Offer and trade could
each cost the same number of movepoints. Withdraw could earn all or half
the points that offer costs. Submit, chat, and decline should be free.
Current number of movepoints should be reported with each status that gets
emailed (does it matter if we know everyone else's number of movepoints?).
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-haggis-users@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-haggis-users@gamerz.net]
On Behalf Of Eric Shultz
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 2:26 PM
To: haggis-users@gamerz.net
Subject: [haggis] Speed
Whoever is playing Yoyodyne (John Bigboote, perhaps?), suggested that people
be allowed a certain number of trades per day, instead of one per hour. He
made a valid point about penalizing people who need to sleep.
But - it seems that people are only making a handful of trades. Allowing
someone a set number of trades in a day without limiting the time span would
still cause these massive flurries of trading. If you happen to be on the
potty when the game happens, you're sunk.
I would recommend perhaps both options. A set number of trades in a day,
and a time limit on how fast you can accept them.
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