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RE: [haggis] odd/even rule possibility

keep 'em both. the more rules the merrier.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-haggis-users@gamerz.net
[mailto:owner-haggis-users@gamerz.net]On Behalf Of mballinger@fibres.net
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 11:22 AM
To: haggis-users@gamerz.net
Subject: [haggis] odd/even rule possibility

> swift writes:
> > wolfie writes:
> > > Turning in an odd number of cards costs 5 points,
> > and even number gains 5 points.
> That's pretty good.  I suggested you apply it to suits
> and such.  So, one suit might have a negative per card
> value, but if you've got an odd number you get a
> bonus.  Or the value of the cards would flip depending
> on odd/even.  That way, if you traded rules and knew
> both of them, you'd have an advantage.

Should I keep "oddeven" as it is and add a "suitoddeven" rule?  Or ditch "oddeven"?

"suitoddeven" would pick a suit and apply the plus/minus to it alone.  Something like:

"Turning in an odd number of black cards scores minus 4, an even number scores plus 4; turning in zero black cards results in no score change."

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