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Re: [DL] New Marshal New Posse - Minor Spoilers

Again thanks for all of your input.

It sounds like regulating the chips is the way to control the
deadliness of the game.  In retrospect it seems obvious.  Totally
controlled by the marshal and it varies.  The DL system is brilliant
if vague in some areas.

Couple of my favorite suggestions is having the "dope zombies" smell
like mint.  And Roy's town with werewolves, night haunts and Indians.

Here is the premise of the current adventure I'm running is someone
sent a prairie tick to Buford through the mail.  He was found in his
shack with his gut ripped open and signs of a struggle in the shack. 
The town marsh figured it was a mountain lion and the town doctor
agreed.  The body was buried.  If the doctor had not been on a little
laudanum at the time he would have known it was no lion.

Buford had girl he saw in town, but they weren't exclusive.  Buford's
recently bought some land adjacent to a large cattle rancher and it
appears he may have been involved in some criminal activities.

So far the posse has figured out something came out of the box that
was mailed to him and killed him, but they have no idea who sent the
package.  When we left the last session they had just foiled a bank
robbery which will yield several more clues some of which are red

I'm searching the web for adventures like these.  I've only got one
chance with this group to introduce the secrets of the deadlands and I
want to do it right.  I really want to keep the guessing.  I figure
I'm going to start off with mundane adventures.  There will be
monsters and human criminals, but no magic except maybe a huckster
since they know they exist.  Then move into some supernatural that
will keep them guessing.  A perfect night would have the group
debating if there was magic involved or not.  Then on to the full
blown supernatural stuff.  Discovering the agency and rangers,
reconers and the truth about some of the people they've been hearing
about like Helstrom.

A little long, but hey I like the hear myself talk.  :)

Marshal Bob