(Er, I'm assuming that people are familiar with the "Ticked Off"
scenario since it's posted on Pinnacle's web site. I probably should
put spoiler space in here just in case there's them dern fool posse
members reading this and not a bunch of marshals . . .
Okay, the prairie tick makes an "opposed fightin': brawlin' roll" to
see if he can jump inside the gunslinger's mouth. I'm assuming that's
just a normal hand-to-hand combat kind of thing. So, starting with a
TN of 5, you add the Gunslinger's aptitude for fightin': brawlin' (say
2), for a total of 7. Modifiers for the tick to hit? Men are size 6,
ticks are size 2. Does that mean a -4 for the tick? Also, the tick's
trying to go for the mouth...does that mean the tick has to get a 20
on the Hit Location chart or do I just go with the description that
says one raise means he makes it?
On the other side, the gunslinger's going to want to blow that varmint
to bits. The tick's size is 2, but the description says that it's the
size of a man's fist. What's the penalty for that? The difference in
sizes is 4 (man 6 - tick 2), but the Small Target section indications
that the penalty would be -10 for size 1 or smaller, not -5 (man 6 -
size 1).