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[DL] Red Dead Revolver to Deadlands

I'm sure everyone has seen the commercials by now and
knows this game is out on PS2 and Xbox. It's been out
for a few months and I'd wager most of you don't have
console systems but I could see this game getting
ported to the PC soon.

There are some good ideas in the game that could
easily adapt to Deadlands. In fact, I've been thinking
of writing up some of the characters in Deadlands
stats (I just haven't gotten around to it yet). In one
part there is a flashback sequence and in it you play
the villain, an interesting storytelling effect which
I plan on using in one of my upcoming RPG sessions.

The game isn't horrific at all, unless some of the
villains could be said to be abominations, but there
are some parts which could be considered steampunk.
And the very first level is a gunfight in a dark
rainstorm, which was very nifty. 

I should say it's a very hard game. I'm usually a
video game master and can beat most anything in a few
days, I help write FAQs sometimes too (especially in
the case of GTA and Manhunt). But this game is HARD. I
haven't beaten it yet, and thats saying something.
There's a level (very close to the ending of the game)
where you have to protect a friend from hordes of
charging soldiers while he picks a lock. The mission
lasts for three minutes and the waves of soldiers who
appear are just too overwhelming for me. 

All in all, it's got fun moments and any Deadlands fan
should enjoy playing it.

"What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" -Irv Kupcinet

"After I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one." -Cato the Elder (234 BC - 149 BC)

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